March 11, 2025

What are the habits of those who never get sick?

Have you noticed that some people don't get sick even if they are around someone with the flu, cold or runny nose for a long time? You are probably wondering what their secret is? What if I tell you that it's not a secret at all, but just a few simple habits that can help you too?

 Here's what people do to feel good all year round: 

  • They get enough rest.

Are you depriving yourself of a few hours of sleep? Then you're depriving yourself of your health as well. Researchers have found that people who sleep less than seven hours a night are three times more likely to get colds than those who sleep a full eight hours. 

My advice is to optimally sleep seven to eight hours, more is not worth it, less is not good either.

  • They get a flu shot 

The flu vaccine is effective 50-60% of the time, and if you do get the flu, your symptoms won't be as severe. What's more, studies show that the vaccine reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or other serious heart problems (including the risk of death!) by a third. 

My advice: even if you got your vaccination last year, it's important to keep it regularly renewed because the vaccine is seasonal and its strains change over time. And even if the vaccination is not completely up to date with the current flu strain, you will still be partially protected.

  • They don't smoke

Smoking is not trendy, it's not tasty, it's not healthy … Smoking is directly linked to the development of a number of diseases and the risk of premature death.

We know from childhood that smoking is bad, that smoking is harmful … But people still smoke. And this is a completely wrong choice, because those who quit (or never started) are less likely to get sick.

  • They “sweat” 

Exercise is very important for strengthening the immune system, especially as we age. In particular, T-lymphocytes, which destroy virus-infected cells, and B-lymphocytes, which produce antibodies, are responsible for this. As we age, their production decreases and the body becomes more vulnerable to external and internal threats. Research also shows that moderate to vigorous physical activity reduces the risk of upper respiratory infections, including colds.

My advice: 45 minutes of physical activity a day, five days a week, and you'll be fine.

  • They don't forget to wash their hands

Microbial threats can be washed away with regular soap and warm water. Antibacterial soap is unnecessary and even harmful: a study showed that people who used such harsh products got colds just as often as those who washed their hands with regular soap. 

My advice: You don't need to maniacally rub your hands until they are dry and cracked, but when coming from the street and before eating, it is enough to wash your hands gently for at least 20 seconds.

  • They socialize

A healthy social life can help keep you healthy. When people with strong social ties face challenges, they are less likely to get sick and even die than people who lead a reclusive lifestyle. Researchers attribute the findings to the anti-stress protective effect of friendship, because, as is well known, we are social creatures…

  • They spend a lot of time outdoors 

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, protecting against viral diseases and keeping bones strong. You can get it from being out in the sun because it enters our bodies through the skin.

My advice: If you are vitamin D deficient, you can take supplements after blood tests and consultation with your doctor, although being in bright sunlight for ten minutes at least four times a day is usually sufficient.

  • They keep a positive mindset

 According to research, happy relaxed people are about three times less likely to get sick than those who suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. The explanation for this is quite simple: a positive attitude toward life lowers levels of stress hormones (such as cortisol) that weaken the body's defenses.

 In other words, be happy in a way that makes bacteria shudder!

What about you? How often do you get sick? What habits keep you away from illness?